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Building community in the workplace: 10 things leaders need to know

A cohesive and engaged community is crucial for any organization to succeed in today’s fast-paced work environment. Building community not only enhances employee satisfaction but also boosts employee retention, productivity, and innovation. According to the Harvard Business Review, people were “58% more likely to thrive at work” and “66% more likely to stay with their organization” when they had a sense of community at work. As a leader, it’s important to understand how fostering a sense of community can help elevate your team. Here are 10 things you need to know about building community in the workplace:

  1. Know the value of community
    A strong workplace community gives employees a sense of belonging and purpose. When employees feel connected to and valued by their colleagues and leaders, they are more likely to be committed and motivated to succeed in their roles. This leads to higher productivity. Moreover, a supportive community reduces workplace stress and fosters a positive environment, improving mental health and job satisfaction.
  2. Have a shared vision and purpose
    Having a clear vision and purpose is the foundation for any strong community. Leaders should ensure their vision aligns with the organization’s goals and values. Research by Gallup found that millennials are motivated by the mission and purpose of their work and not just by fair pay. This shows how important knowing the purpose behind the work can be for some employees. When employees understand and believe in the organization’s vision, they are more likely to put their best selves forward. 
  3. Encourage teamwork and collaboration
    Collaboration is at the heart of a strong workplace community. Leaders should create opportunities for employees to work collectively on projects, share ideas, and solve problems. Instead of making team members compete against one another, choosing to recognize and reward teamwork and collective achievements can further reinforce a culture of collaboration. Leaders can cultivate a more cohesive community by fostering an environment that values and promotes teamwork.
  4. Support employee well-being
    Human-centred leaders prioritize employee well-being in the workplace because they understand the importance of putting people first. When employees feel supported and cared for, they are more likely to thrive. Leaders can regularly check in on their employees through one-on-one meetings and offer flexible work arrangements to further their support. Mental wellness programs such as meditation and physical activities such as walks in nature are proven to boost employee well-being. By prioritizing employees’ well-being, leaders can build up a resilient and supportive community.
  5. Organize team events
    Hosting regular team events and get-togethers—like a monthly dinner—can strengthen your team members’ bond with each other. Listen to what your employees want and try to schedule something that matches their interests. Team-building exercises can also help team members forge deeper trust with each other. These activities provide opportunities for employees to interact in a relaxed setting, fostering stronger relationships and improving communication. Leaders can ensure everyone feels included by organizing events that cater to diverse interests, further enhancing the sense of community.
  6. Celebrate achievements
    Recognizing and celebrating your team members’ achievements will not only boost morale but also reinforce a culture of encouragement and appreciation for one another. No achievement is too small to acknowledge and celebrating them doesn’t have to be difficult either. While formal recognition like awards can be great motivators, simple gestures like a shout-out can mean a lot too. Regularly celebrating milestones, both big and small, helps create a positive and motivating work environment. It also shows employees that their hard work is noticed and valued, encouraging them to continue doing their best.
  7. Lead by example
    Leaders play an incredibly critical role in shaping the workplace environment. Team members look to their leader for guidance, which is why it’s so important for leaders to lead by example. Demonstrate the behaviours and values you want to see in your team and make sure your actions match your words. When leaders ensure they hold themselves accountable, it fosters a culture of integrity and trust.
  8. Foster inclusion
    An inclusive and diverse workplace is essential for everyone to feel welcome. Leaders should actively promote diversity in hiring and provide training on unconscious bias and cultural competence. A sensory-friendly space at the office or offering flexibility in schedules are ways you can integrate accessibility accommodations into your community. Celebrating diverse perspectives and backgrounds enriches the community and drives innovation and creativity.
  9. Promote open communication
    Transparent communication is key to building trust and fostering a sense of community. Leaders should encourage open dialogue, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback regularly. While regular communication is important to prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page, leaders should remember that employees have lives outside of work. Leaders can ensure that their team members feel respected by maintaining these boundaries.
  10. Encourage professional development
    Being invested in your employees’ professional growth is a powerful way to build community. As a leader, you should encourage your team members to continue developing their skills and provide them with resources like training workshops that can enhance their knowledge. Show your employees you are invested in their future and let them know you care about their careers. Building community in the workplace is a continuous effort that requires leaders to proactively invest in their teams. When we place our community at the centre of our organization, we ensure people have opportunities to form genuine relationships and improve their well-being. By leading with a human-centred approach, leaders can cultivate a thriving workplace community.