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Grateful Leadership

The Power of Gratitude in Leadership

As the holiday season nears, we’re reminded of the power of gratitude in our everyday lives. Research shows that gratitude is one of many components that contribute to an individual’s well-being. Harvard Health states that gratitude is “strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness” since it “helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” But the power of appreciation extends far beyond our relationships with our family and friends: it extends into leadership as well. While gratitude in the workplace can be a trait often overlooked, leaders need to show appreciation to foster trust and create a positive and resilient work environment. Expressing gratitude will not only make you a more successful leader, but it will also enhance your relationships with your team members.

What does gratitude in leadership look like?

Genuine gratitude in leadership is more than polite mannerisms or vague acknowledgements. It’s about taking the time to meaningfully recognize the hard work and dedication of others and being appreciative of their contribution. Too often, people feel that their efforts aren’t being recognized and appreciated by their leaders in the workplace, leading to feelings of discouragement and disinterest. According to Forbes, practicing gratitude in the workplace can satisfy “the higher psychological need to feel a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves” and help employees find meaning in their work. Leaders who express gratitude lead with a human-centred approach because they recognize it is the collaboration between their team members that fosters creativity and growth in their organization. When people realize their efforts are noticed, they are more willing to do their best because they know their hard work is valued and appreciated. 

Expressing gratitude in leadership doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s important to remember that a leader’s actions will shape the workplace culture. When gratitude becomes part of that culture, it creates a ripple effect where mutual appreciation becomes the norm. Your employees will look to your actions as examples, so make expressing gratitude to others a habit. Be intentional about recognizing the hard work of your employees and let them know you appreciate their hard work. People often underestimate the power of gratitude, but a sincere “thank you” can make someone’s day. Not only will practicing gratitude strengthen your team, but it will also enhance overall employee engagement. Gallup indicates that employee engagement is essential in reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity. Displaying gratitude helps leaders form meaningful relationships with their team members, resulting in employees who feel motivated and engaged with their work.

Here are five ways leaders can express gratitude in the workplace:

  1. Write notes of appreciation.

Research shows that writing thank-you notes has positive psychological effects for both the sender and receiver. A simple thank-you note shows someone you care about them enough to take time out of your day to let them know. Remember to be specific about what you’re thanking them for, and don’t just leave a vague note. The next time you want to let someone know you appreciate their efforts, consider writing them a note of appreciation. Don’t dismiss the power of writing. 

  1. Make space for gratitude.

Regardless of whether you lead a virtual, in-person or hybrid team, you can proactively make space for gratitude and encourage your employees to practice showing appreciation to one another. Whether it’s a shoutout in an email or a note pinned under a bulletin board, displaying gratitude publicly is a great way to boost employee confidence and morale. Be creative in finding ways to help your team members feel recognized and appreciated.

  1. Show appreciation through action.

Even small gestures can let your employees know you appreciate them. For example, taking time to regularly check in with your employees shows them that you care about how they are doing. Give your employees your full attention and offer them space to share their thoughts and concerns and take their input seriously. Not only will this build trust, but it’ll also help you be a more thoughtful leader. While praise is powerful, actions speak louder than words, so don’t just give out praise. Instead, show your employees you appreciate them through a combination of both your words and actions. 

  1. Lead with compassion.

Being an empathetic and understanding leader means being attuned to the challenges of your team. When you lead with compassion, you’re more likely to notice the challenges your employees face. This naturally increases your ability to find areas to be grateful for and allows you to better notice and appreciate your team members’ hard work.

  1. Celebrate small achievements.

Don’t wait until the big milestones before you celebrate your employees’ achievements. Celebrating the smaller wins, whether it is solving a tricky problem or stepping up to help another team member, will show your employees that you value and appreciate their everyday contributions. Moreover, even when things don’t go as planned, you should still take time to recognize your team members’ resilience and efforts. Sometimes, that’s when they need encouragement the most.

Gratitude is a powerful tool that drives engagement and fosters meaningful relationships in the workplace. Expressing gratitude as a leader will make a significant difference in your leadership. While habits take time to form, it’s never too late to get started. By making gratitude a key component of your leadership style, you’ll create a ripple effect that benefits everyone.